Elisabeth Hill Original Contemporary Artwork
Elisabeth HillOriginal Contemporary Artwork

Art and design has been a thread running through my life.


After gaining a BA Hons in Textile Design from Leeds University I spent time in various industries related to interiors.  It was quite a few years before I was able to concentrate wholly on exploring a more creative path in life and eventually found that the gouache paint I used to produce textile designs was more satisfyingly used to produce artwork of my everyday life experiences.


Gradually I experimented with pastels and inks and then oils as I sought more textural effects, luminosity and depth.


Subjects vary enormously.  I have been lucky enough to do quite a bit of overseas travel and the different landscapes and buildings have inspired many of my works.


I loved life drawing and found there was an energy and vibrancy to my work compelled by the urgency of the time period allowed with less time to think about the colours to apply, but with more time to enjoy the results of this spontaneity.  Other things absorb time like a dog who needs lots of walks and about nine years ago I took up music and learning to play the alto sax and now play with two local bands which is an absolute joy and has added an extra dimension to life. So as life contracts it can expand. 


Trees, water and light, colour - all can inspire.  All my work is original and each is an individual 'one-off'.  I don’t like to revisit subjects time and again as very often time is too short.


Walking our dog in the woods and lanes in Hampshire has also planted seeds for ideas that lead to more abstract pieces of work. 


I like variation and will often be working on a painting for many months.  Getting so far, setting it to one side for a time, revisiting the subject with fresh eyes and then not minding applying thicker layers of paint with a palette knife.

This process covers initial work that I felt was too tight and needing a freer approach.



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© Elisabeth Hill 2015